Demonization Simplified

Demonization Simplified

Can Christians be demonized?

Satan seeks to secure influence and control over our lives. This is clear to all. What many struggle with is the idea of demonization among Christians.

They often can’t negotiate the idea that a Believer can be both demon possessed and a temple of the Holy Spirit.

In Scripture, we never see a difference between “possession” and “oppression.” In fact, those are man-made terms that aren’t found in the Bible. The correct word is “demonized.”

While the following is admittedly oversimplified, it should help people grasp just how demonization works.

I’m going to substitute the influence of demons with the influence of people. This will help us understand how a third party can dramatically impact us, if we allow it. Of course, people don’t demonize us and they aren’t the enemy. The point of this exercise is to bring clarity on how outside sources affect us.


1. GENERAL INFLUENCE: We are impacted by the world we live in. Immoral TV commercials, social media trends, popular culture and the flood of marketing we are hit by causes many to feel like they can’t measure up. Rejection, low self-esteem and other negative emotional and mental results are common.

2. INVITED INFLUENCE: When we buy into the lies of culture, it’s common to embrace them and alter who we are. The goal is to thrive and break out of our mediocrity, but most often we step right into the trap. We are conditioned to lose our identity in favor of another, all with our eager agreement. We open doors to the influence and affirm whatever is popular, no matter how immoral or inappropriate it may be.

3. MANIPULATION: The next level is much stronger as we find ourselves manipulated to be and do what others demand. This can include culture, but at this point it typically becomes more personal. Other people can put on the pressure to conform to their demands.

4. CONTROL: The chains of people’s expectations get heavy at this level. In a very real-world example, it’s possible to be in a controlling marriage that is devoid of love. The person being controlled feels angry and hopeless and struggles to find a way out.

5. IMPRISONMENT: Again, to take the example of marriage to this next level, terrible situations can get even worse very quickly. Understand, in a marriage there is a covenant, a union that brings complexities into the situation. Spouses are often terrified to escape this threatening situation and often stay in the prison without any attempt to find freedom.

6. TORMENT: The abuse, whether physical, emotional, psychological or other is all engulfing and overwhelming at this point. The hope of being free, joyful and experiencing abundant life is now gone.

7. HATRED: Every evil emotion now drives the person. Thoughts of death, revenge and much darker emotions take over.

8. DESTRUCTION: Full-blown defeat, destruction and open wounds of anguish now overtake the individual. They are broken, emotionally wrecked, mentally unstable and crushed. Suicide, self-harm, drugs and other attempts at relief are common.

9. DUPLICATION: While not an excuse, the next step for people in this scenario, whether it’s the spouse or the children growing up in the environment, is often a life fueled by what they have experienced. Hatred, revenge, drugs, immorality, torment, control and more are passed on to the next generation. Fatherlessness, for example, has a direct impact on the children, and this model is duplicated in the next generation.


The above levels are in play in regard to demonic influence as well. To be demonized, at its most basic, is to come into agreement with the influence of the enemy.

If we agree, for example, that nudity in media is okay, we embrace the enemy’s influence and we give license to it. Lust and sexual immorality often follow. Agreement is powerful, and Satan knows it. There are next levels that low-level agreement opens the door to.

In the above breakdown, it would be fair to say that demonization begins at number two. When we invite the influence, we align with the influencer.

It’s also fair to say that demonization can come when we don’t directly invite the enemy to join ranks with us. Torment, trauma and other devastating life issues can result in extreme weakness and hopelessness. If we don’t fight back against the enemy’s plans, it’s common to fall into despair which opens the door for greater demonic influence.

The point of this exercise is to demystify demonization. It’s extremely common among Christians. Our thoughts, our beliefs, our decisions and our reactions to culture and life can give the enemy access.

Demons are invisible entities that talk to us. Really, that’s their most powerful weapon. When we listen and when we don’t respond wearing the armor of God, demonic influence settles in. For many it can last a lifetime.

Of course, we have the victory if we do, in fact, wear our armor, pray with passion, stand on the Word of God and resist the enemy. We are more than conquerors!

No matter how dark and deep the demonization is, whether it’s invited influence or fully manifested destruction, we can be delivered. For those influenced by generational curses or those who have passed on the curse to their children, it’s time to fight!

Repent, surrender, cry out to God, seek deliverance, resist the enemy and change the future of you, your children and your grandchildren! The blood of Jesus is enough!

Christians Consuming Porn

Christians Consuming Porn


Listen to the podcast:

No naked people. For Believers, the clear, biblical standard is to live pure, holy lives free of forbidden sexual imagery. No naked people in our sexualized thoughts unless, and only unless, it’s our spouse. Sexual lust steals, kills and destroys in ways few other sins can.

A disturbing recent Barna report reveals that 54% of practicing Christians are consuming porn. Seven percent view porn daily. Fifteen percent weekly.

Possibly even more troubling are the arguments I’ve heard on the topic. Some Christians have challenged me by saying it’s not possible for a man to avoid lust, as if it’s an expected part of our make-up. Others proclaim Scripture doesn’t forbid all sexual lust, only lust about married women. The deception is widespread.

After writing an article on the topic several years ago, I was contacted by a Christian sex-therapist. In his long letter he vented his frustration and firmly renounced the idea that lust is inappropriate. In fact, he proudly revealed how he actually prescribes sexual fantasy about strangers and other people to those who are struggling in the area of sexual intimacy.


ONE: No Intimacy with God

The authentic Christian life demands intimacy with Jesus. The parable of the virgins clearly reveals how intentional our pursuit of God must be. It wrecks my heart to know that people live outside of an all-consuming, loving relationship with the Lord. 

When counterfeit intimacy takes the place of the authentic, only despair remains. Praying in the Spirit is not possible. Faith fades. Love dissipates. Hope is gone. 

TWO. Shame

When the serpent told Eve, “You will not surely die,” he knew the result would be fig leaves. Shame. Adam and Eve did die, spiritually, and their innocence was gone. How often do people make that late-night decision to enjoy some sexual entertainment with the thought that, “I will not surely die?” 

Of course, the “repentance” rarely works and, according to Barna, many will be back at it again the next day or later in the week. 

THREE. Demonization

The Bible reveals that “the curse without cause shall not come.” Well, the counter is true as well. When there is cause, when we open the door to the enemy, all sorts of wicked schemes are initiated. When we view porn or lust, we open the door to the devil. 

Demonization is when evil spirits attack, torment and refuse to stop. There is a license, a permission, that allows them to remain. Sexual lust is one such permission, and unless true repentance occurs, deliverance cannot be experienced. 

FOUR. Wounding our Loved Ones

There are women (and some men, I’m sure) who worry continually about their spouses falling into porn. If it happens, it rips through their heart. The pain is extreme and difficult to heal. Further, parents often fear their children falling into this vice, knowing how spiritually and emotionally deadly it is. 

FIVE. Failure to Fulfill our Calling

We are all ministers and we all have a ministry. I’m convinced that my failure to fulfill my ministry directly impacts people’s eternities. When we view porn, when shame overwhelms us, when demonization is deep and when there is wounding all around, any thought of advancing in ministry is shot until we repent.

SIX. Living in Adultery 

Scripture reveals the true impact of inappropriate sexual lust. Adultery. When we watch porn, we are committing adultery with every person on the screen. When we lust, the same is true for every person in our thoughts. 

SEVEN. Eternal Separation from God

Many Christians will be shocked to find themselves in Hell one day. When we live in sin, devoid of true repentance, we cannot presume to be saved. An eternity of torment awaits. This truth grieves me like no other.


If you are struggling with lust, don’t despair. Don’t quit contending for intimacy with God. You can absolutely find freedom! God loves you with a passion that’s deep…and he is longsuffering. He will be with you in your journey to freedom.

Wiser Than The Witches

Wiser than the Witches

This Halloween season we must be aware of the enemy’s schemes. 

Listen to the Podcast:

When planting our first church in one of America’s darkest regions, where witchcraft and paganism saturated the atmosphere, it took us three years to learn how to fight. We were not wiser than the witches.

Over the years in that Spirit-driven, prayer-fueled ministry, we experienced many supernatural attacks, visits from witches and organized efforts to stop us.

Shortly after we planted the church, our oldest son was admitted to the hospital with a severe asthma attack. It was October 31st. One year later, on Halloween, he was admitted again with yet another asthmatic episode. Finally, when he was rushed to the emergency room and admitted for a third straight year, on the 31st of October, it hit me. This is no coincidence. It was an organized, strategic, deliberate witchcraft attack.


To be wiser than witches requires us to level up in our authority. 

Especially during the month of October, when the activity of the enemy is extreme, it’s imperative that we stay alert with our lamps filled with oil.

ONE. Christian Curses

If, according to Scripture, “the curse without cause shall not come,” when there is cause, we can be sure curses will hit with great and terrible force.

It’s possible Christians are hurling more curses into the atmosphere than all the witches in our nation.

Though we are commanded to bless and not curse, gossip is rampant. Shaming and cursing political opponents are non-stop. Villainizing all who disagree with our spiritualized opinions invigorates us. Speaking death over our own lives and the lives of others is common.

TWO. Celebrating Halloween

Dabble with the demonic, party like the pagans, dance with the dead and come dressed for the occasion.

The world’s largest coven meeting is about to commence, and shockingly many Christians will be in attendance. 

It’s stunning that blood-bought, Spirit-filled Christians would ever slap the label, “innocent fun” on this most wicked of days. Most would argue that we are saved, covered by the blood and that we have no fear regarding simple costumes, candy and parties.

However, the blood of Jesus doesn’t grant us immunity. It grants us authority. 

If we are participating in, enjoying and affirming death, demons, darkness and witchcraft, we have lost our authority against the wicked entities behind it all.

Evil isn’t innocent just because we invite children to the party.

THREE. Emotional Crisis

In nearly three decades of ministry, I’ve witnessed, time and again, solid, anointed, amazing people struggle emotionally. Feelings overwhelm and overtake them. Rejection, fear, depression and other emotions, at the least, can cause people to retreat into their caves.

We must be wiser than the witches, ready to go to war against the devil and discern the season we are in.

Instead of retreating into a cave, run to others who can stand with you, pray with you, love you, challenge you and, if necessary, cast some demons out.

FOUR. Prayerlessness

One of the greatest weapons against the schemes of the enemy is fiery, Spirit-filled, prophetic prayer. Tongues of fire will help fill lamps and strengthen us in ways that little else can.

Those who aren’t absolutely consumed with a spirit of prayer will typically struggle, especially during the month of October when the enemy is so active.


I’ve heard it said that we need to put on our armor every day. I disagree. I would question why they are taking it off every night. Put it on. Keep it on. Pray continually. Fight the devil. Close open doors.